Crossbow Exchange Engine

Crossbow Exchange Engine is a standalone product, and is available for on-premises installation. It is scalable and redundant, and can be installed starting from very small one-server systems, up to large, multi-server multi-site scenarious.

<p> Crossbow Exchange Engine is available for purchase to be installed at your premises. It comes with free remote installation service. Any bugfix and security updates are free during the lifetime of the product, and free product updates during warranty period. You can also opt for support during after-warranty period. On-site training and 24/7 support available as options. </p> <p> Click "Request Quote" button to inquire about all available options. </p>

Crossbow Exchange Engine

Private Voice Minutes Exchange Platform

Platform for selling and buying VoIP Telephony minutes. Become an Exchange provider, connect buyers and sellers anonymously and let them trade between themselves.
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Crossbow Exchange Engine is VoIP minutes Exchange platform allowing you (the operator) to create VoIP traffic buyer and seller accounts for selling and buying minutes. Sellers post their offers anonymously, with the rate they prefer. Buyers do not see sellers directly, they see anonymous offers. The traffic is anonymous, routed via exchange. Financial settlements should be done via Exchange, with owner able to keep the fee. System comes with all modules, including: <ul> <li>Administrator interface <li>Buyer / seller interface </ul>

  • - VoIP Trading Platform
  • - Scalable and redundant
  • - Install on premises
  • - Anonymous trading platform
  • - Remote installation service
  • - All modules included
Crossbow Exchange Engine is intelligent routing and rating platform allowing service Providers to act as VoIP Traffic exchange Operators. It allows Traffic Sellers to sell their routes and Traffic Buyers to view and buy routes according to their desired quality and price requirements. It optimizes routing of each call based on the buyers bidding criteria. Software comes with pre-populated country and operator breakouts for almost 1,000 destinations, including some weekend and off peak sensitive markets. <h4>Trading on Exchange</h4> <ul> <li>Anonymous trading – sellers and buyers do not see each other directly; <li>Offers posted by Seller are designated unique Route ID. The buyer sees only Route ID; <li>Price asked by Seller is directly visible to all Buyers. The exchange has option to ask commission from Seller, Buyer or both; <li>Money transactions are cleared by Exchange exclusively, no peer-to-peer transactions. Prepaid pr postpaid modes are available. <li>Any Route selected by Buyer is routed instantly providing there are available funds on Buyers account and Sellers Route is functional. <li>When posting Route, Seller is asked to commit to not change the price for given number of days, therefore protecting Buyers from sudden price increases. Changing of price earlier than commitment date, is not possible. <li>Buyer can choose from any number of Routes. The History of Route Quality and Price is available for Buyers online. <li>"Build Your Online Community" tools – allow users to vote good and bad routes by assigning number of bonus points (stars) </ul> <h4>Buyer and Seller Tools</h4> <ul> <li>Web-based signup with instant Member account activation and optional startup credit. <li>Automatic Member email address verification. <li>Real time overview of account balance, sales, purchases, payments in/out and fees applied during currrent billing period. <li>Setup and manage terminating and originating gateways real-time. <li>Manage Buying Routing preferences: <ul> <li>Do not allow to route to destinations which are not in Buyers buy list – for those who need total control of what they buy <li>Route to any cheapest destination which is not in Buy list – a great way to quickly setup AZ routing without buying each and every destination one by one <li>Rating based destination – Buyer just “votes” their routes and only those matching vote level, will be accepted. </ul> <li>Manage low balance notifications: email when remaining balance is low or has finished. Set the low balance waring level. <li>Buying Options: <ul> <li>Select from available destinations. View price, ASR, ACD, Price Policy (when will be changed) <li>Set Routing priority for Buy Route </ul> <li>Selling Options: <ul> <li>Enter the Sell Price, Price Policy (how many days price will not be changed), and Gateway which will serve this Route </ul> <li>Reporting: <ul> <li>Call detail Reports (inbound/outbound) <li>Summary by date, by destination <li>Payment Reports <li>Download CDRs (history) </ul> <li>Request Money Withdraw online <li>Trouble ticket system (option) </ul> <h4>Website Tools</h4> <ul> <li>Display of most recently added Route on webpage. <li>Display of most active Routes on webpage. <li>Provide searchable Offer list for web visitor. <li>New articles publishing on website. <li>Web chat (optional module) <li>Open HTML based templates to apply own site design. </ul> <h4>Administrative Tools</h4> <ul> <li>Web Access management: <ul> <li>Configurable access lists for granting indivual rights to Administrators. <li>Any number of Administrators in any of Access groups. </ul> <li>User Management: <ul> <li>User search, add, edit, delete. User properties window with their information, web access information, attached gateways, Sell offers and Buy bids. <li>Any number of web username and password per user. <li>Allow/disable termination and/or origination per each user. <li>Payment credit/ debit for the user. </ul> <li>Destination management: <ul> <li>Overview of all country and destination codes in the system. <li>Add, edit, delete code in the system. </ul> <li>Marketing tools: <ul> <li>Send mass mail to all members and website visitors. <li>Create any number of templates for sending mass mail. <li>Choose from various predefined senders addresses. </ul> <li>Reports: <ul> <li>Payments reports in/out, by period, by user. <li>Call Reports, including: <ul> <li>Monthly summary by day. <li>Monthly summary by destination. <li>ASR/ACD report </ul> <li>Activity report during current billing cycle by member; <li>Historical report of users activity during 6 past cycles; <li>Detailed traffic report; <li>Active Calls Report; <li>Call detail report with export options for originating and terminating parties <li>Sell order Reports; <li>Buy order Reports </ul> </ul> <h4>System Routing functions</h4> <ul> <li>Realtime routing, authorization and accounting. <li>Hourly ACD/ASR recalculation. <li>Automatic deactivation of Routes not meeting minimum quality criteria (ASR/ACD) <li>Optional Reactivation of Routes after hold period. </ul> <h4>Billing functions</h4> <ul> <li>Automatic monthly statement emailing to members. <li>Exchange fee calculation options: <ul> <li>Originators fee based on percentage of amount purchased. <li>Terminators fee based on percentage of amount sold; <li>Originators fee based on call minute cost, with thresholds. For example: <ul> <li>Destinations with offer price up to $0.05 - fee $0.002 <li>Destinations with offer price between $0.05 and $0.10 - fee $0.003 <li>Destinations with offer price between $0.10 and $0.50 - fee $0.0045 <li>Destinations with offer price above $0.10 - fee $0.006 <li>and so on ... </ul> <li>Terminators fee based on call minute cost, with thresholds (see above example) <li>Any fee can be used separately or combined with other fee scheme <li>Fee can be calculated independently of billing cycle. Example: calls can be billed by 1/1 whereas fee can be billed on 60/60 basis. </ul> </ul> <h4>Technical Specifications</h4> <ul> <li>Number of switches per engine: any number and any combination of type. <li>Scalability: <ul> <li>Add any number of switch nodes with the capacity growth – not limited; <li>Add database copy for hot stand by and failover; <li>Add separate servers for web proxy (security and failover) </ul> <li>Based on open standards and protocols: allows easy implementation of 3rd party devices and systems: <ul> <li>SIP and H.323 <li>RADIUS for AAA <li>Open database support: PostgreSQL <li>runs on opensource platforms: Linux or FreeBSD </ul> </ul>
Host OS Linux
Accounts unlimited
Max Buyers unlimited
Max Sellers unlimited
Protocols SIP, H.323
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