Longest prefix match routing
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By: Aivis Olsteins

In News

October 11, 2018

Voice Routing Quick Start Guide

See a new resource in our docementation page: Voice Routing Quick Start Guide

In a new series of articles on our Documentation site we have just published a Voice Routing Quick Start Guide. It shows how to set up advanced routing of voice calls on a step by step basis.

Here, I only want to touch some of the most important points.

1. Routing engine should be consistent, and should operate on a single. centralized code list (Master Code List). Many vendors have their own destination code lists, and it is common for them to overlap and conflict. It is for an administrator to decide which breaoust should be used and which not, but the list should be the same across the system.

2. It is designed to never interrupt the production traffic. Threfore it features a versioned Master Code list. It is possible to upload or manually create a new master code list while keeping the current one active. Many carriers announce their dates of changes in advance (price changes, codes etc), so it is also possible in SAARA system to schedule new code list activation dates so they can match with the carrier announced dates.

3. Most specific breakout matching is the basis of routing. It is logical and well established system in voice call routing (and pricing) to base code allocations on the longest matching prefix basis. Once the most specific prefix is found, the routing decision is made within this group. It can be manual priority, LCR or any other method. The search for less specific breakout can be enabled or disabled by adminsitrator according to their preferences.

4. Least Cost Routing (LCR) works with incosistent vendor price lists. As mentioned above, not all vendors will supply their rates with code breakouts which match your Master List and which may differ between themselves. The LCR engine takes this problem and adjusts routes according to the breakouts in your Master List while respecting the fact that carriers have different definitions of breakouts and they will charge accordingt to their breakouts. This feature is very imprtant as it prevents from accidentally being charged much higher price if the breakout falls into different destinations as it was assigned in Master Code list.

A view of the SAARA Voice Routing Screen:



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